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"Everyone is you pushed out"

The concept of "everyone is you pushed out" is a key aspect of Neville Goddard's teachings on manifestation and the law of assumption. It suggests that everything we experience in our reality is a reflection of our inner thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. In other words, the people and events in our lives are not separate from us, but rather a projection of our own consciousness.

According to Goddard, we are constantly creating our reality through our thoughts and beliefs. Therefore, the people we encounter and the situations we find ourselves in are all a reflection of our own inner state. If we hold negative beliefs and assumptions about ourselves, we will project negative experiences and people who reflect those beliefs back to us. On the other hand, if we hold positive and empowering beliefs, we will reflect positive experiences and people who reflect back those beliefs.

The concept of "everyone is you pushed out" also suggests that we have the power to change our reality by changing our thoughts and beliefs. By focusing on positive and empowering beliefs, we can shift our consciousness and attract experiences and people that reflect those beliefs back to us. This can be a powerful tool for manifestation and creating the life we truly desire.

However, it is important to note that the concept of "everyone is you pushed out" does not suggest that we are solely responsible for everything that happens to us. It does not dismiss the role of external circumstances and the actions of other people in our lives. Rather, it suggests that our inner state and beliefs play a significant role in shaping our reality and the experiences we attract.

In conclusion, the concept of "everyone is you pushed out" is a powerful tool for understanding the law of assumption and manifestation. By recognizing that our reality is a reflection of our inner state, we can take responsibility for our thoughts and beliefs, and use them to create the life we truly desire. It is a reminder that we have the power to shape our reality, and that the key to doing so is by cultivating a positive and empowering inner state.

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